Tuesday, July 26, 2011


For Rabri (Thickened sweet milk)
Milk - 1/2 ltr
Sugar - 100 gms
Crushed Cardamom - 2 tsp
Turmeric powder

For Sugar Syrup
Sugar - 2 cups
Water - 5 cups

For Paneer (Cheese)
Milk - 3/4 ltr
Lime juice - 4-5 tsp

For making rabri
  • Add milk, sugar and pinch of turmeric in a heavy bottomed pan, start boiling milk on medium low heat.
  • Keep stirring and once milk starts leaving thick cream at the edges, stir continuously
  • Add Cardamom and continue boiling till the milk gets condensed. Once done turn off heat and allow it to cool
For making Paneer
  • Start boiling milk on medium low heat and while milk about to reach boiling level, add lime juice little by little and keep stirring on very low heat for about 2 min
  • Once it starts curdling, switch off stove and filter the mixture using a  muslin cloth ( or thin white cloth) and squeeze out the water.
  • Make sugar syrup simultaneously by mixing water and sugar in a heavy big vessel and boil it on medium high heat.
  • Place the cheese (paneer) on a board and while still hot, knead it till no granules are left, make small balls from the mixture and flatten it
  • Once sugar syrup comes to complete boil, add these flattened paneer to sugar syrup and close the lid and continue boiling for 10 min (till paneer absorbs syrup)
  • Take out paneer, squeeze it lightly and put it in rabri
  • Sprinkle nuts over it and refrigerate for 4 hrs
  • Serve chill

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