Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Badam Milk

Badam/Almond - 10 nos
Cashews - 5-6 nos
Milk - 2 and 1/2 cup
Sugar - 1/2 cup
Cardamom - 2 nos
Pinch of turmeric powder -
Saok almond/badam and cashews in a 1/2 cupmilk for about 30 min
Heat remaining 2 cups of milk by adding turmeric in heavy pan, keep it in medium low flame
Now grind the soaked badam and cashews along with  milk to coarse paste
Add this paste to the boiling milk and keep stirring in between
Once milk starts leaving thick cream at the edges of pan, stir continuously
Add sugar,cardamom and continue boiling for 5 minutes
This can be served hot or cold

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